Tuesday 28 February 2012


This is an image I have found from VIBE music magazine, it is the contents page. As you can see on this page there is a clear theme of black, white and grey this gives it a classy and sophisticated look. The only piece of colour is the heart being placed on Kanye West's jacket. It is red and makes it stand out. 
The use of the huge letter V in the background which obviously stands for VIBE, stands out and promotes the magazine through the contents page. 
The word 'contents' is broken down into 3 lines, it is black, thick and bold and stands out really well. It is also very easy to read. 
Kanye West is the main feature on the page and the background is quite plain, this makes you get attracted to him and he is the main focus on the page. The simplicity of the page helps attract the reader. But also the small use of the colour red and the big, relaxed image of Kanye makes the page look exciting and stand out. 
The page numbers on the right hand side are in bold so helps the reader see the number, and it stands out.
The variety of fonts used on the page make it look, fancy, classy and also relaxed. It also connotes this magazine has a variety of information and can attract a variety of music interests and audiences.

This is a contents page from Q music magazine. The word contents stands out because it is all capitals, bold and it is white writing on a black background. 
The date and website are also in white writing on a dark background, it contrasts with the black background but stands out to the audience. 
Page numbers are in red and bold, the colour red is throughout the magazine and also stands out on the white background. Red is the house style of this particular magazine. Also very brief information is given to explain what is on each page, this gets down to the point and you see whether you want to read that page or not. 
The title for the special section is in gold. This shows its importance and that it is a special part of the magazine. It makes the section look rare. 
The two images used are both of different sizes, this makes the page look more busy, as well as making it look more structured.

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