Tuesday 28 February 2012


I will be analyzing a double page spread that can be found in Q music magazine.
A typical house style of the colour red is used in the double page spread with the sub heading in bold, red writing which stands out. The drop capital box is red.
The key image used does not look like it has been forced, it is a simple casual shot that can relate to anybody, even ourselves. The two men on the picture look very casual. By the men looking like this it helps with the male gaze, because men can not come across sex symbols towards other men in music magazines because in the supermarket music magazines are found in the men's lifestyle. In the pictures men need to come across as effortless so other men believe they could be like that too. Unlike women, the men have not been photo shopped or stylized. 
A graphic and quotation is used on the key image and also the quotation links the interview in the copy.
The headline of the double page spread is 'The soundtrack of my life' which links to the picture because of the vinyls and soundtracks on the floor, and the men look like they have been looking through them.
In the interview on the double page spread the questions are in bold and the person who is speaking, there name is also in bold so it is easier for the reader to follow who is saying what.
The questions and answers are set out in columns to make it seem like it is less effort to read it, all articles do this because it will make the audience want to read it.
Also all of the lead paragraph is in bold and the use of colloquialism is used with words such as 'crap'. The register is very straight forward and easy to understand in this article. At the bottom of the second page is a timeline for the interview, it highlights the main things the interview has covered and the answers that the band gave.

This is a double page spread from the Top of the pops music magazine, the music genre is pop. The target audience for this particular article would be aimed at teenage girls who like pop music, and the boy band The Wanted imparticular.
The double page spread shows an interview with the band and is all about how they work out at the gym so therefore could be aimed at boys who want some tips aswell.
The page on the left is the interview with the boys and the right hand side of the page is images of the band and a box with some more questions in it but with a different title.
The colour scheme throughtout the article is pink and purple this tends to be a girly colour but the band make it look strong because they are all quite masculin and talking about how they work out.
By the images of the boys there is a quote they have said along with there name at the bottom of that quote, this indicates in the interview who is saying what, The box with the quote and name in has a background colour of either pink or purple with white writing, this makes the writing stand out and easy to read.
The images of the band looks very stylised as they look attractive and are carring gym equiptment as the article is about the gym and how they work out. The band are not in the gym but have gym equiptment this shows is it stylised,plus they are all looking at the camera and smiling.
Different fonts are used for different words that stand out, this makes the article catch peoples attention and will attract a number of different audiences.
The pink banner that runs across the bottom stand out as it is long and has a pink background with white writing in it. The banner gives information as to how you can listen to the bands new single.
The page numbers stand out because they are in black semi circles at the bottom of the page.


This is an image I have found from VIBE music magazine, it is the contents page. As you can see on this page there is a clear theme of black, white and grey this gives it a classy and sophisticated look. The only piece of colour is the heart being placed on Kanye West's jacket. It is red and makes it stand out. 
The use of the huge letter V in the background which obviously stands for VIBE, stands out and promotes the magazine through the contents page. 
The word 'contents' is broken down into 3 lines, it is black, thick and bold and stands out really well. It is also very easy to read. 
Kanye West is the main feature on the page and the background is quite plain, this makes you get attracted to him and he is the main focus on the page. The simplicity of the page helps attract the reader. But also the small use of the colour red and the big, relaxed image of Kanye makes the page look exciting and stand out. 
The page numbers on the right hand side are in bold so helps the reader see the number, and it stands out.
The variety of fonts used on the page make it look, fancy, classy and also relaxed. It also connotes this magazine has a variety of information and can attract a variety of music interests and audiences.

This is a contents page from Q music magazine. The word contents stands out because it is all capitals, bold and it is white writing on a black background. 
The date and website are also in white writing on a dark background, it contrasts with the black background but stands out to the audience. 
Page numbers are in red and bold, the colour red is throughout the magazine and also stands out on the white background. Red is the house style of this particular magazine. Also very brief information is given to explain what is on each page, this gets down to the point and you see whether you want to read that page or not. 
The title for the special section is in gold. This shows its importance and that it is a special part of the magazine. It makes the section look rare. 
The two images used are both of different sizes, this makes the page look more busy, as well as making it look more structured.


This contents page mock up I have created is what I would like my contents page on my final college magazine to look like. I will stick to this as much as I can and hopefully end up with a finished college magazine contents page based on this. 

Tuesday 21 February 2012


After designing a mock up page of the front cover of my magazine I then went on to create the actual thing. I went around the sixth form center and took a picture which related to college/sixth form life. The main image is my friend revising for her tests, this goes well with the statement on the front cover saying that there is a hard working atmosphere. The main image is a medium shot.  In the background there is just plants outside the window, as I cut the building work out on Adobe Photoshop. I have chosen a tint of red on the image because the school colours on the logo are red and yellow and I believe it worked well. The anchorage text relates to the main image and therefore makes sense. 
To create my magazine cover is used a program called Adobe Photoshop. I found it extremely hard to use at first because I had never used it before but i eventually got the hang of it. The skills I have learnt in class on Adobe Photoshop will help me next year in media when I carry on with the course.

Thursday 16 February 2012


This mock up I have created is a simple view on how I want my front cover on my magazine to look. I will hopefully stick to this as much as possible and then my finished magazine front cover will look like this mock up.


Above we can see that British singer Beth Ditto has decided to go naked for a magazine photoshoot for NME music magazine. This is not the typical image we are used to seeing, because we are used to seeing smaller women on the front of magazine, exspecailly if they are naked. But Beth is a larger women and is trying to get across she is still beautiful as what she is. She does not look very feminine on this because she has hairy armpits and is not smiling at the camera. The kiss on her upper thigh connotes love and the colour red also connotes this. The kiss also relates to the headline which is 'KISS MY ASS!'

Wednesday 1 February 2012


Feminism is a collection of movements aimed at defining, establishing, and defending equal political, economic, and social rights for women.It is the response to society's assumptions that women should be subservient to men. Until the emergence of feminism women were treated almost as objects.

Laura Mulvey's theory of the male gaze links with feminism as she believes that cinema audiences look at films in two ways:

  • Voyeuristically
  • Fetishstically 
She says that cinema audiences watch a film without being watched by the characters on screen and that usually in a darkened cinema so other audiences do not observe them either. Therefore we are almost voyeurs ourselves by watching the people on screen and this can lead to two effects:
  • Objectification of female characters in relation to this controlling male gaze
  • Narcissistic identification with an ideal image seen on screen