Thursday 26 January 2012


This is the front page of Carmel college's magazine, it is a college in St Helens, Merseyside. By looking at the front cover I believe that the target audience is students who attend carmel College and also students in general. It would be good for people who are looking for exam information because this issue looks like it is on exam results because the main image the student is holding her exam result.

I know it is for this particular target audience because Carmel College is for students age 16 to 19. Also the main image is a student surrounded by other students who is opening her exam results.

It engages the target audience because it is extremely colourful and stands out. The selling line says 'result!' which will engage the audience to read on because it has an exclamation mark, therefor it looks important and stands out.

I believe the ideology of the College is they aim to be the best and look for the best in their students and get the best exam results. Their priorities are to have their students happy. They consider happiness and good results important because the picture connotes this because the girls is happy with her results. They get this across by the girl holding her results and she is very happy with them by the expression on her face.

The mise en scene within the front cover includes multiple bright colours that blend in with the main image used. The multiple young adults that are shown on the front cover are all wearing casual clothing, this connotes that the college does not require a dress code in order to attend. The colours used for the masthead are of a bright colour in order to make the header clear for the person who is reading the magazine, if they used a bright colour on a white background then it would not be as clear and would probably be hard to read. The headline displayed over the main image is white but includes a pink stroke, the same colour as the masthead, in order to keep the colour scheme and consistency. An official logo of the college is also displayed at the bottom left corner of the front cover, in order to show readers that it is the official Carmel College that is located in St. Helens, and not another school that they may be thinking of.

Wednesday 25 January 2012


Masthead is the text title or title of the magazine at the top of the page.
Banner is smaller normally at the side of the magazine, it draws your attention to a topic in the magazine.
The main image is the image on the front, it will be the main story in the magazine. It is the image that is selling the magazine and the story inside it, the main image also takes up the most space on the front cover of the magazine.
Buzz word includes words such as exclusive, win, one off, it builds up temptation to buy the magazine, an exclusive offer what the magazine is creating these words get people to buy the magazine.
The headline is the title or caption of the article inside the magazine, it is important as it gives a little information on the story inside.
Barcode this is code and convention, this is how people in the shop know what is free and what is not. The barcode tells the price of the magazine and also has a issue number and a date on it. It can also tell you which company has distributed the magazine.
Anchorage text is used to basically to attach meaning to something either through the matching of words or images which construct a meaning.
Puff is a shape which stands out to some effect which normally has the buzz word in it, so it makes the offer or statement in it stand out even more.
Secondary images, other images which are on the front cover which don't need all the attention that the main image needs. Features tell the audience what is inside.
Pug is usually in the right hand corner, the corner of the page is normally coloured and looks like the magazine is going to be opened, normally has a buzz word inside. it is an incentive to open.

Thursday 19 January 2012


This is Katy Perry on the front cover of a music magazine. The image denotes Katy standing side on kind of looking over her shoulder towards the camera with her hand on her hip. The image connotes Katy looking seductive and 'cute' with the pink bow in her hair and the matching tight shorts and crop top. The pink bow in her black curly hair is feminine, also her womanly assets stand out on this picture because the clothing is tight. The colour scheme is pink and black, pink connotes love, brightness, happiness and is related to as a feminine colour. The black is a very mysterious colour, this goes well with Katy's facial expression. 

This screenshot of a music magazine with Cheryl Cole on the front. The image denotes Cheryl Cole looking at the camera with rain around her and she has red lipstick on her lips and is licking the side of her lips. The image connotes her being seductive because of the colours used and the way she is licking the side of her lip.

The key image denotes the women as the main artist in the picture by the image of her it connotes that she is trying to hide her identity by wearing glasses and covering her face with her hands, the colour schemes are red, black and white these are very vibrant colours which stand out, white connotes peace, purity, innocence and cleaness. Red connotes, firery ,dangerous, hot and lastly black connotes death , darkness, gothic era and gloominess.


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